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Organize your task

Improving Office 365 Planner


Our products

Get the most out of Office Planner with our products
Planner Gantt

Visualize tasks in sequence and plan project tasks easily.

Planner Manager

The one stop destination for team leaders already using MS Planner.

Planner Migrator

Migrate your plans and tasks on Microsoft Planner from one office 365 tenant to another.

Office Licence Manager

A Chrome Add-in to manage the licences of all users in your organization. Add, remove or change a licence in seconds.

Planner Outlook Add-in

Integrate Planner with Outlook to create, assign and manage your Planner tasks directly from Outlook.

Trello Planner Migrator

Want to get ouf Trello? Migrate all your projects into Microsoft Planner.

Power BI Connector
for Ms. Planner

Sync Microsoft Planner and Power BI

to get the best reports on your projects.

Who we are

Microsoft's environment is great but sometimes you need a little extra and, when that happens, you want someone who really knows its nuts and bolts by your side. We've been providing solutions on Office 365 for more than a decade and we are not afraid of saying that we are passionate about it.


Besides, you can also look at Jiji Technologies, the set of services we provide to improve Office 365, and Wunderboards, the project management software deeper than Planner but easier than MS Project.


Our clients

From the largest corporations to the smallest brick-and-mortar businesses, more than 700 clients in 5 continents.


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Let`s talk

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We can't wait to hear from you

Phone: +1 408 900 9186

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